Monday, October 16, 2006

The best interface is already here.

Have you ever seen the interface over at If not, I suggest you go and check it out. The site is a great alternative to radio, but the thing I wanted to focus on was it's incredible use of flash. I am not a flash developer (yet), but I want to take this opportunity to say that the slick no-page reloading and not too much of a download make Pandora's website a great one. The ability to sign up from within the flash applet make it second to none.

I will see how many more interfaces I can find that use the same one-page-for-all approach. It's pretty funny that in this day and age of everything Ajax that we still have the same old approach to account creation.

I am a programmer, so I have no qualms about creating accounts on multiple sites that I visit, and thus I am very familiar with the standard account creation routine. What I have found though is that most sites use a standard account creation page to make sure that users are tracked, and some (if not all) even track their users before they sign up. My point is this, why don't most sites have a account creation process that is as painless as Pandora's? The technology is there, but for some reason people are not using it.

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